
From Napa Valley Register: Beckstoffer matches Warrior player donation for fire relief

October 30, 2017

Longtime Golden State Warriors fan and vineyard owner Andy Beckstoffer announced that Beckstoffer Vineyards will match Golden State Warriors superstar Klay Thompson’s donation of $1,000 per point he scores to North Bay Fire Relief for a total of three home games.

Beckstoffer’s matching donation will be $1,000 per point, with a $50,000 minimum donation to the Napa Valley Community Foundation.

“Our vineyards and our company has been fortunate to have sustained no major damages due to the North Bay wildfires. However, we know that many members of our community and local businesses have been less lucky,” Beckstoffer said.

“We are tremendously grateful to Beckstoffer Vineyards,” said Terence Mulligan, president of Napa Valley Community Foundation.

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