We are part of something bigger.

There are more than 800 Community Foundations in the US, each devoted to a specific region. We operate independently, with a common goal in mind: to be a platform for local people who want to pay it forward. To deliver resources to effective charitable programs. And to make our communities stronger and more successful by doing these two things.

It all started in Cleveland in 1914.

Back then, that city looked like Silicon Valley does today – with burgeoning industries and new fortunes being born by the day. Unlike private foundations, which steward resources for one family, Community Foundations work with thousands of givers. We were built to do so, at a time when responsibly paying it forward was top of mind.

“We have our own foundation, but created a fund at NVCF to have access to their expertise about local nonprofits and effective programs in our areas of interest.”

Rick Jones, Retired CEO & Vintner

We are a leader in a vibrant field.

Among our peers, Napa Valley Community Foundation ranks first on several key measures of donor satisfaction and impact, according to a recent donor survey conducted by the Center for Effective Philanthropy. Our donors say that we deeply understand their interests, and deeply understand the needs of Napa Valley. That, in a nutshell, is our job.

Learn more about Community Foundations in this video.

What is a Community Foundation?

We know you might not know, and that’s ok.
Click the “learn more” link to tuck into the details.

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