
From Napa Valley Register: Community Foundation details next phase of quake aid  

November 26  • 

Napa Valley Community Foundation has announced up to $8 million in the second phase of funding from the Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund.

This aid is aimed at repairing structural damage sustained by homeowners and mobile homeowners, as well as physical and economic losses sustained by small business owners who have already applied for Federal Emergency Management Agency support and Small Business Administration loans.

Homeowners and small business owners who have applied and heard back from FEMA and SBA are encouraged to apply for Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund grants.

“We want to minimize the hassle factor of the application process, as much as possible, while ensuring our community as a whole is tapping into any and all resources available, ” Foundation Executive Director Terence Mulligan said.

In the weeks following the earthquake, Napa Valley Community Foundation has convened partners in city and county government, housing experts, small business representatives, and nonprofit organizations to identify where the needs are greatest, and what type of support will be most effective.

Even with FEMA and SBA support, there are still outstanding needs related to important safety and rebuilding issues for homeowners, small business owners and mobile home residents.

To be eligible for a grant from the Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund, Napa County homeowners, small business owners and mobile homeowners must follow these three steps:Apply for a FEMA grant; apply for an SBA loan, available to homeowners and businesses alike; and apply for a foundation grant.

Information and links to all of the applications can be found at https://www.napavalleycf.org/apply/

The relief fund is managed by Napa Valley Community Foundation and was created with a $10 million lead gift from Napa Valley Vintners after the 6.0 earthquake on Aug. 24. Since the fund was established, more than 425 additional individual, corporate and foundation donors have stepped up with gifts of nearly $500,000.

The first phase of funding, focused on relocation assistance and replacing lost household goods, food and medicine, distributed about $2 million.

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