Amy & Hank Stockton Scholarship

The Amy and Hank Stockton Scholarship benefits graduating high school seniors who attend public high schools in Napa County and will be pursuing post-secondary education in a trade, technical or vocational school, community college, or four-year college/university. Previous recipients of the scholarship are eligible to reapply; scholarship funding may not exceed 4 years of support.

 Download a PDF of the Guidelines & Application Requirements

Who’s Eligible?

  • Graduating high school seniors who attend a public high school in Napa County
  • Previous recipients of the scholarship

All Applicants Must:

  • Be in good academic standing with the school attended most recently
  • Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) between 2.5 and 3.0
  • Be planning to attend a trade/vocational college or pursuing undergraduate studies at a two- or four-year college/university
  • Demonstrate financial need

Award Amount:

$2,000 to $4,000 per year

Application Requirements:

  • Completed online application
  • List the high school-related, community service and extracurricular activities, work experience and family obligations in which you have been involved, the number of hours per week you devoted to these activities and the roles and responsibilities you performed.
  • Three short essays (no more than 200 words each) in response to the following questions:
  1. What motivated you to continue your education beyond high school? Please describe the school experiences, extracurricular activities, work experience and people that led you to this decision?
  2. What are your educational and career goals, and why? How do you plan to meet these goals?
  3. How would receiving this scholarship help you meet your academic goals?
  • A copy of your unofficial transcript
  • A copy of the page from your FAFSA Student Aid Report or California Dream Act Student Aid Report showing your Student Aid Index (SAI)if applicable
  • One academic letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor or administrator
Download a PDF of the Guidelines & Application Requirements

Contact Us

For questions regarding scholarships, contact Lupe Reyes or Jessica Rodriguez at (707) 254-9565 or

Si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda en español sobre las becas, llame a Lupe Reyes o Jessica Rodriguez al número (707) 254-9565 o mándenos un correo electrónico a

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