Changemaker Scholarship

The Napa Valley Community Foundation Changemaker Scholarship benefits one exceptional graduating senior who attends a high school in Napa County and demonstrates drive, vision, and potential to succeed. Applicants may be the first person in their family to attend college or come from a middle-income household that will find it difficult to afford college. Applicants must have a strong academic record coupled with demonstrated leadership qualities, extra-curricular activities, and heavy involvement in the community. Recipients must attend a top-tier, four-year college/university and will receive funding for up to four years of undergraduate study.

Download a PDF of the Guidelines & Application Requirements

Who’s Eligible?

  • Graduating high school seniors who attend a high school in Napa County

Candidates Must

  • Be in good academic standing
  • Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.6
  • Be planning to attend an accredited, non-profit, four-year college/university pursuing undergraduate studies. Preference will be given to applicants planning to attend a top-tier college/university or California public university (UC or CSU)
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Demonstrate leadership, be involved in the community, and have extracurricular activities
  • Be a first-generation college student (i.e. neither parent/guardian has obtained a Bachelor’s Degree) or come from a middle-income household

Award Amount:

up to $10,000 per year and renewable for up to four years. Scholarship award amount will be based upon overall financial aid already received and any remaining funding gaps.

Application Requirements:

  • Completed online application
  • 500 word essay: A NVCF Changemaker Scholarship will be awarded to a student who is most likely to go out and make a real difference in the world. Please describe through your leadership, as well as experiences from extracurricular activities, community involvement or other special experiences, why you think you have the drive and vision to succeed and what your goal is to do something exceptional in your life.
  • 250 words: Why would you like to attend your top choice college/university and why is this school the best fit for you? How will attending this college/university help you achieve your academic and career goals?
  • List the community service activities in which you have been involved, the number of hours per week you devoted to these activities and the roles and responsibilities you performed.
  • List your employment history (Including family obligations like taking care of younger siblings), and tell us the name of your employer, dates of employment, how many hours per week you work and your job title or duties.
  • List your top high school-related and community-based activities, including the name of the activity, the honors/positions/responsibilities held, the dates you were involved and how many hours per week you participated.
  • A copy of your unofficial transcript
  • A copy of the page from your FAFSA Student Aid Report or California Dream Act Student Aid Report showing your Student Aid Index (SAI)if applicable
  • Two letters of recommendation: one academic letter from a teacher, counselor, or administrator, and a second letter from a coach, mentor or employer
Download a PDF of these requirements

Contact Us

For questions regarding scholarships, contact Lupe Reyes or Jessica Rodriguez at (707) 254-9565 or

Si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda en español sobre las becas, llame a Lupe Reyes o Jessica Rodriguez al número (707) 254-9565 o mándenos un correo electrónico a

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