Coppola Family Travel Scholarship

The Coppola Family Travel Scholarship benefits Napa County High School students in grades 10-12 who have a desire to explore the world. This one-time award (“educational enrichment grant”) can be used to pay for tuition and associated costs for participation in a summer enrichment program in the United States or in Europe. Applicants must show a commitment to hard work and diligence in the pursuit of their goals. Previous recipients of this scholarship cannot reapply in future years.


Download a PDF of the Guidelines & Application Requirements (English/Español)

Who’s Eligible?

  • Current Napa County High School student in grades 10-12 who will be attending a summer enrichment program in the United States or in Europe to further their academic accomplishments and/or personal development. Preference will be given to cultural exchange programs.

Candidates Must:

  • Demonstrate eagerness, desire, and curiosity in exploring the world, diverse cultures, and communities
  • Exhibit a strong work ethic through commitment to studies, school or extracurricular activities, and other responsibilities
  • Demonstrate diligence in pursuing personal, academic, or career goals by participating in an enrichment summer program offered by a reputable organization
  • Demonstrate financial need to pay tuition, fees, and associated costs for the program
  • Maintain good academic standing with their current high school, with a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least a 2.0
Application Guidance For Undocumented Youth

Award Amount:

Varies based on program and student’s financial need, but are expected to range from $5,000 to $15,000.

Application Requirements:

  • Completed online application.
  • Provide the name of and information on the summer enrichment program you plan to attend, the total cost of attendance, and the amount you need for assistance.
  • 500-word essay in response to the question “Why did you choose this summer enrichment program? How will attending this program help you achieve your personal, academic or career goals? Please include, at least 3, specific goals you hope to achieve by participating in this experience.”
  • 250-word essay in response to the question “Tell us about any recent or previous experiences you had that will prepare you for this program? If you don’t have any previous experiences, please explain why you think you are prepared for this program.”
  • List your school, extracurricular activities, and any other responsibilities, such as family obligations or part-time work, that exemplify your strong work ethic. Be sure to detail the roles and responsibilities you undertook, along with a specific accomplishment for each activity.
  • Upload a recent copy of your unofficial transcript.
  • Upload a pdf file of information about the program that you desire to attend, published by the organization or program’s sponsor.

Post-Program Report Requirements

  • After the completion of your program, recipients are expected to communicate how the experience impacted you in a 2-10 page written report, journal with photos or project (any other medium that you find most appropriate). This report is due by September 1, 2025.


Download a PDF of these requirements
Application Guidance For Undocumented Youth

Contact Us

For questions regarding scholarships, contact Lupe Reyes or Jessica Rodriguez at (707) 254-9565 or

Si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda en español sobre las becas, llame a Lupe Reyes o Jessica Rodriguez al número (707) 254-9565 o mándenos un correo electrónico a

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