Lenore Hirsch-Jay Falk Scholarship

The Lenore Hirsch-Jay Falk Scholarship benefits Napa County high school seniors that are graduating, and who have worked hard to overcome academic challenges.  Applicants must be planning to attend a two- or four-year college program in general education.  Although not a requirement, applications are strongly encouraged from students who have learning disabilities and/or attend a continuation high school in Napa County. Previous recipients of the scholarship completing their first, second, or third year of college are also eligible.

Download a PDF of the Guidelines & Application Requirements

Who’s Eligible?

  • Napa County high school seniors that are graduating, and who have worked hard to overcome academic challenges, and will attend a two- or four-year college program in general education.
  • Although not a requirement, applications are strongly encouraged from students who:
    • have learning disabilities
    • attended a continuation high school in Napa County
  • Previous recipients of the scholarship completing their first, second, or third year of college.

Award Amount:


Application Requirements:

If you are a graduating high school senior:

  • Full name, email address, phone number and permanent address
  • Name of high school you attend
  • Current grade level
  • Four Short essays (no more than 250 words) in response to the following questions:
  1. What are the challenges you have faced?
  2. How did your challenges affect you academically?
  3. What did you do to improve your academics and overcome your challenges? Please include any classes or programs which have helped you, for example, AVID or special education.
  4. What do you hope to do with your college education?
  • Letter of support from a teacher, counselor or administrator focusing on how you overcame academic challenges to attend college and your career goals.


If you are a previous recipient of the scholarship:

  • Full name, email address, phone number and permanent address
  • Name of college or university you attend
  • Current transcript showing credits and grades
  • Short essay (no more than 500 words) in response to this question: “Please describe any changes in your career or academic goals and the progress you have made toward these goals.”
  • Letter of support from a member of the college faculty or staff focusing on how you are overcoming academic challenges in college and your career goals
Download a PDF of these requirements

Contact Us

For questions regarding scholarships, contact Lupe Reyes or Jessica Rodriguez at (707) 254-9565 or scholarships@napavalleycf.org

Si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda en español sobre las becas, llame a Lupe Reyes o Jessica Rodriguez al número (707) 254-9565 o mándenos un correo electrónico a scholarships@napavalleycf.org

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