Napa Valley Register: Napa Valley Community Foundation announces $190,000 in funding for local animal welfare groups

April 8, 2021 by Register Staff

Napa Valley Community Foundation announced the second round of grants from The David and Jane Gotelli Family Fund, which was created through a generous bequest from the late David and Jane Gotelli to support small animals in Napa Valley.

The Gotellis were longtime Napa residents who both passed away at age 87. The endowed fund creates a permanent income stream to support yearly grants to organizations dedicated to the health, welfare, humane treatment and adoption and care of small animals.

The first round of grants totaling $115,000 from the fund was disbursed in 2020 to seven organizations.

Grants for 2021 have been made to 10 nonprofit organizations and public agencies whose missions are to improve or sustain the welfare of small animals throughout Napa County, including: Friends of Napa County Animal Shelter; Humane Society of Napa County & SPCA Inc. (aka Napa Humane); Humane Society of the North Bay; Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch (dba Jameson Humane); Napa Community Animal Response Team (Napa CART); Napa County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center; Ripple Effect Animal Project; We Care Animal Rescue; Wildlife Rescue Center of Napa County; and Wine Country Animal Lovers.

In total, the $190,000 in grants will provide programs such as rescue and adoption, medical care and spay/neuter to benefit more than 11,000 small animals and their people.

“These grants go to the heart of who we are as a Foundation and what we value as a community,” said Ed Matovcik, chair of NVCF’s Community Programs & Grants Committee. “The Gotellis entrusted us to continue their compassion for small animals in need. They would be so happy to know their legacy lives on through these grants and incredible organizations.”

The next round of grants will be made from the fund in early 2022 to qualified nonprofits and public agencies that seek to improve or sustain the welfare of small companion animals throughout Napa County.

For more information on the request for proposal/grant application process, contact NVCF Director of Programs & Philanthropic Engagement, Rejane Brito at or 707-254-9565, ext. 22.

For information about legacy giving through a will or trust to support your own charitable goals, contact NVCF Vice President of Development & Communications, Lindy Solow Bouwer at or 707.254.9565, ext. 13.

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