Napa Valley Register: Note form the President

December 20, 2021 by Jay Scott

Over the past month and my limited time as the President of Napa Valley Publishing I am only now starting to understand the true spirit of Napa County. After recovering from an earthquake that literally shook it to its core. Not one but two recent wildfires, and now as we slog our way through the COVID-19 Pandemic the spirit of Napa has been nothing short of remarkably resilient. Resiliency comes from neighbors helping one another. It is found in the helping hands of strangers and from those who know the true spirit of being grateful. Those who look at their lives and businesses and understand that you only truly know the true meaning of life when you take time to give of yourself to help others in need. We have all benefited from the generosity of our neighbors, a helping hand from a stranger, and have felt the overwhelming feeling of gratitude as we understand that we are not alone in our struggles.

Nowhere has our resiliency and gratitude been more prevalent than in our thriving non-profit community. There is no true way to quantify how many lives have benefited from the pure generosity and giving spirit of our non-profits and we hope you have enjoyed following our coverage of how our local community has been and continues to uplift those around us every day. It has been a privilege to share their stories with you. Along the way we hope that we have inspired you to be even more proud of our local community and get involved if you can. I would personally like to thank our sponsor Napa Valley Vintners and the Napa Valley Community Foundation who didn’t hesitate to jump in and lend a hand. Thank you to all those who lead with gratitude and lend a hand to help those who are in need, we all benefit from your generosity.

Jay Scott
President and Director of Sales & Marketing
Napa Valley Publishing

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