
Our 2023-24 Annual Report: A Letter from our President & Chair

Terence Mulligan, President & CEO stands with Manbin Khaira Monteverdi, Board Chair in front of the Napa Valley Community Foundation offices in Napa, CA.

Thirty years ago, a Sony Discman qualified as a technological marvel.

The Lion King was raking it in at the box office – decades before we would think to use the words “stream” and “media” in the same sentence.

Meanwhile, here in Napa, a group of civic leaders had the wisdom and the vision to ask: why doesn’t Napa Valley have a community foundation, and what would it take to start one?

This long-ago question not only led to our formation in 1994, but to nearly $106 million in grant distributions and scholarships over the past three decades.

As we watch the Foundation’s odometer roll over to the big three-zero, we are filled with gratitude for our two most important constituents: our donors and our nonprofit partners.

To our donors: Your generosity and compassion propel the work of the Foundation. There is no alternate fuel source for us; no substitute for your moral and financial support; no other means by which we are able to build a more vibrant, successful, and cohesive community.

To our nonprofit partners: We have the privilege of working with you during declared disasters and during the countless undeclared moments that constitute everyday life. Time and again, we see you step up to help our neighbors in need. We are proud to support your life-changing work.

To our community: Thank you! We are dazzled by your love of this Valley and its residents.

Here’s to our next thirty years together…

Terence Mulligan
President & CEO

Manbin Khaira Monteverdi
Board Chair

2023-2024 Annual Report

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