
From Weekly Calistogan: Pioneer Park Fundraising Boosted by NVCF Donor

August 14, 2013 11:47 am •

Dear Editor,

Thanks for your excellent coverage of our presentation to the City Council last week regarding our planned improvements to Pioneer Park.

We were very gratified at the enthusiastic response to our plans, both from the audience and the council members. We are scheduled for design review with the Planning Commission on Aug. 28.

We are now starting our fundraising campaign for this community effort, and we’re pleased to report that we’ve had a great boost to the campaign with a $50,000 matching grant from an anonymous donor, arranged by the Napa Valley Community Foundation. This means that those donating between now and the end of the year will have their donation doubled.

A $100 donation will provide the project with $200. Donations of any size are welcome — we’ll need help from many Calistogans to reach our goal to cover the estimated $400,000 cost for all of the park improvements planned.

While the gazebo itself is projected to cost less than $100,000, other improvements such as lighting, landscaping, new paths, new turf and possibly restroom improvements will absorb the rest. With more than $80,000 in donations already in hand, the new grant puts us well on the way to a successful campaign.

Those who donate $100 or more will receive a free green baseball cap with the “Friends of Pioneer Park” logo. We hope to see a lot of those caps around town over the next few weeks and months.

 We will have a booth at the next few Music in the Park events to accept donations. Donors can also find a donation form (or a pledge form) on our website, FriendsofPioneerPark.wordpress.com. FPP is a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation, and all donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law.

This is a great way for all of us to show support for the community we love.

Bob Fiddaman

Friends of Pioneer Park

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