
Thank you donors for support

Dec 2, 2022 Letter to the Editor in the Napa Valley Register


As Optimist Youth Basketball begins its new season, I would like to acknowledge the generous grants we received this summer from the Gasser Foundation and Napa Valley Community Foundation, namely its Donor Advised Funds: the Turley Family Fund; the Thacher Family Fund; the Basset Fund; the Klenz Family Fund; and an anonymous fund.

Our program was started in 1979 and is open to boys and girls, grades six through 12. Players are placed on a team, with their friends if they choose, and are guaranteed playing time, regardless of skill or ability to pay.

These grants have been used to replace aged uniforms, buy a portable scoreboard, refresh our website, purchase a set of laptops for paperless registrations, replace our stock of practice basketballs, and lower our player fee from $100 to $80. We will resume giving out two $500 college scholarships to Vintage, New Tech, and Napa High students who have played and/or coached in our program. Finally, this money allows us to be financially secure for many years to come.

President, OYB

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